[Controlled Document]














Ø  Introduction

Ø  Vacancy Identification

Ø  Preparation Job Description

Ø  Internal Recruitment

Ø  Preparation Application Form

Ø  External Vacancy Announcement

Ø  Application Period

Ø  Interviews

Ø  Second Round Of Interviews

Ø  Appointment Procedure And Signing Contract



Ø  First Working Day

Ø  Probation Period

Ø  Notice Of Termination Of Contract Or Resignation

Ø  Re-Employment



Ø  Remuneration

Ø  Payment

Ø  Salary Increase (Performance Related)

Ø  Change To Another Position

Ø  Acting Allowance

Ø  Medical Care

Ø  Insurances

Ø  Incentives And Benefits



Ø  Introduction

Ø  Employee Performance Appraisal

Ø  Training

Ø  Benefits                                                                    

Ø  Transfers

Ø  Use Of Notice Board



Ø  Introduction

Ø  Paid Leave

Ø  Compassionate Leave

Ø  Maternity And Paternity Leave

Ø  Sick Leave

Ø  Public Holidays

Ø  Leave Without Pay

Ø  Study Leave

Ø  Restricted Leaves



Ø  Introduction

Ø  Procedures To Be Followed

Ø  Appeals

Ø  Grievance Handling Procedures



Ø  Introduction

Ø  Piecework Employment

Ø  Trainee Programs

Ø  Consultancy Services

Ø  Part-Time Employment



Ø  Leisure

Ø  Allowances / Per Diem

Ø  Break Time Tea And Coffee

Ø  Work Facilitation



Ø  Identity Cards

Ø  Personal Files

Ø  Politics And Religion

Ø  Loss Or Damage Of Organization Property

Ø  Working Hours Or Days

Ø  Expense Claim Policy And Procedure



Annex 1         FORMS

Annex 2         CODE OF CONDUCT       












Ø  Introduction

            Recruitment is done by formal procedures, starting from identifying the need to fill a post to reaching the stage of official appointment. The final responsibility within the organization for the proper execution of the recruitment process lies with the Executive Committee.

            The Executive Committee does not have to execute all tasks but is responsible to control all the time that all tasks are properly and timely executed by the involved persons.

            The recruitment procedure is divided into the following phases:



Maximum duration


Vacancy identification



Preparation job description

1 week

ED, Principal Coordinator

Internal recruitment (if applicable)


ED with the approval of EC

Preparation application form (external)

1 weeks

Principal Coordinator

Vacancy announcement

1 week


Application period

3 weeks


Selection for interviews

1 week



2 weeks

Selection Panel formed by EC

Second round interviews (if applicable)

1-2 weeks after first round

Selection Panel formed by EC

Selection of successful candidate(s)


Selection Panel formed by EC

Appointment procedure and signing of contract

Depends on planning




Ø  Vacancy identification

Positions in different projects shall be created by ED in consultation with Principal Coordinatoras per the requirements of annual work plan with specific roles and job descriptions and approved by the Executive Committee.

During the year if a vacancy occurs after an employee has left/or will leave the job or new tasks for the organization arise which require a new post. The need for filling such vacancies, expectations of the post, recruitment planning, internal recruitment if applicable, mode of vacancy announcement, type of contract etc. will be forwarded by the PMC to the EC for approval and further actions.

Ø  Preparation of job description

All employees recruited by the organization will have explicit job descriptions that form part of the employment contract. Job descriptions should make clear the tasks to be performed, the level of responsibility of the job, the knowledge and the skill level required to do the job productively. Standard job descriptions are described in Annex 3. In cases job descriptions are custom made, for which no standard job description exist it will be based on specific requirement of the job. For all jobs under management level the job descriptions will be prepared by the involved Section Head together with the Principal Coordinator and EDand will be approved by the EC. For all jobs at management level the job descriptions will be made by the EC together with the ED.


Ø  Internal recruitment

The organization should undertake to advertise suitable vacancies internally, but reserves the right to recruit externally only if it has valid reasons. Valid reasons could for instance be that the existing employees can’t be missed in their respective sections, or that they lack the required skills for the existing vacancy.

If the organization decides to advertise internally, it is done by an announcement on office notice board and/or e-mail to the employees. Brief details of the minimum requirements for the application and the job are given. The employee who wishes to be considered for the position will contact the PMC to obtain an application form and will be required to submit as per the direction.

If the Head of the section in which the employee at that moment works disapproves the internal application he will inform the PMC about his judgment including the reasons by filling these in the application form. The PMC will then send disapproval to the candidate unless he has strong re­ser­­vations regarding the judgment of the Section Head (in this last case he will ask the judgment of the EC). If the relevant Section Head approves the internal application he will put this on the form. In this case the PMC considers the comments of the relevant Section Head, the proba­tioner’s work record, length of time in present job, and over-all potential of the candidate. If based on these issues the PMC’s judgment is negative the PMC will write a letter to the employee explaining the results of the assessment. The employee may in this case appeal with the EC who will then take the final decision. If the judgment of the PMC (or that of the EC) is positive the PMC fixes a date to interview the candidate (see the relevant paragraph on interviews).

Ø  Preparation Application Form

The job descriptions form the basis of the application forms to be prepared by the PMC.


Ø  External vacancy announcement

If the internal recruitment round has not yielded any positive results or if the organization has decided to recruit externally only, the recruitment procedure continues with an external vacancy announcement.

An external vacancy announcement should be done by cost-effective advertising, for instance by using local announcement district notice boards, local radio announce­ments etc. Sometimes the post is of such nature that the vacancy needs to be advertised nationally in the national newspaper(s) or on national radio. Every announcement should clearly indicate the application procedure and closing date.

Ø  Application period

People who wish to apply for positions advertised externally can do so only by filling in an application form (the information put down by candidates in their application letters is usually insufficient to obtain a good idea about the candidate’s working experience; therefore it is required that the candidate fills in the application form).

Application forms can be obtained from the office of the organization or from the web portal. The vacancy announcement number for the post, for which the probationer wishes to be considered, should be clearly indicated on the front of the application. The Principal Coordinator is responsible for the availability of the application forms. If a probationer wishes to apply for more than one position he/she should submit a separate application for each vacancy.

All filled-in application forms come in through the Principal coordinator who keeps a record of all incoming applications. Principal coordinator notes the name of the proba­tio­ner, address, date received and vacancy number (in a computerized data base) and forwards the probationers’ records to the ED. The ED will further process these applications and forward them to the EC with comments for further actions.


Ø  Interviews

The function of an interview is to assess whether a candidate is sufficiently capable for a vacant position. Motivation, judgment, qualifications and experience on the job are part of the issues to be considered. Beside a talk with a candidate also tests (e.g. computer tests, knowledge tests, work on case studies, driving a car) can be part of an interview.


The interview panel for vacancies below management level shall comprise of one member from each EC, PMC, ED, the relevant Section Head. The EC member will chair the interviewing panel. The members of this panel will decide on the procedure to use in conducting the interviews and recommend the suitable candidate after 1 or 2 rounds.


If a post is very specialized an expert can be asked to join the interviewing panel. During the interview the interview panel fills in an interview form for each candidate. This will later help to compare the results of the interviews.


After each round of interviews, all candidates are discussed and the decision is taken by vote among the interview panel members.  Each candidate is informed about the interview results in writing. If the result is positive the candidate will receive a job offer including an invitation to discuss the terms and conditions of employment (see the paragraph on this issue).


For candidates living far away it is advisable to plan their interview at a convenient time to enable such candidates to reach the office where the interview takes place and to be able to leave in time.


Ø  Second round of interviews

If during the first round of interviews no definite selection can be made, a second round of interviews with a limited number of the candidates will be held (see next paragraph). A second round of interviews is always required in case the vacant post is at management level, requiring a more in-depth assessment of the candidates. The second round candidates are selected by the interview panel that was active during the first round of interviews. After the first round of interviews, referees of the candidate can be consulted.

The current employer of the candidate can only be approached after the probationer’s permission.

For a second round of interviews the interview panel may consist of more panel members than in the first round if believed necessary. The extra members may for instance consist of specialists or other key persons who may be important for reaching a more balanced and better decision. During the second interview usually more in depth questions are asked.

If no suitable candidate is found after two interview rounds the recruitment process starts again.


Ø  Appointment procedure and signing of contract

After final selection of a candidate, the ED, with permission from the EC, will write and send to the candidate’s postal address / e-mail a job offer letter. The job offer letter will clarify the requirements for accepting the job offer and reporting on duty. The candidate will have to react to the job offer letter within two weeks. If the candidate shows interest in the job offer, an appointment will be made by the EC to (further) discuss the terms and conditions of employment and if he/she accepts, to sign the employment contract, code of conduct and job description. In some cases it may be required to have a second meeting to further discuss the terms and conditions of employment before signing these documents.






























Ø  First working day

On the first working day the targets for the probation period are discussed with the probationer[1] by the EC. This includes a clear explanation about what is expected of the employee. The probationer is introduced to the organization by the PMC.

For each probationer a supervisor is appointed. Usually this is someone with ample experience in the organization, capable to supervise the probationer and train him/her into the relevant tasks he/she will have to fulfill. In most cases the supervisor will be the person placed one place above the probationer’s position in the organization hierarchy, but this is not necessarily so.

The supervisor is appointed by the EC in conjunction with the PMC.

After the introduction and administrative procedures on the first working day, the probationer is handed over to his/her supervisor who will guide the probationer during his/her probation period.


Ø  Probation period

The goal of a probation period is:

a)To test the ability of the probationer to perform well on the job

b) To test the suitability of the probationer’s character to fit into the organization


Beside training and supporting the probationer, the probationer’s supervisor also monitors the probationer during the probation period and fills in the Probation Monitoring Form on a monthly basis.


The first month of probation is meant to familiarize the probationer with the organization and also to help him/her to settle down and understand the organization’s operations. Usually the supervisor has a training program in mind and also instructs relevant colleagues who will help in conducting this training.


After one month the supervisor and the probationer assess together whether the work progresses well and where improvements are needed. The supervisor reports about the outcome of this assessment in the Probation Monitoring Form of the probationer and discusses the results with the PMC, the relevant Section Head, and if required with the EC. If the first month was unsuccessful and there are no positive prospects for performance to be improved, at this stage the probationer can be dismissed after approval by the PMC and EC. Other possibilities are to demote the person to his/her former position (in case of an internal probationer), to transfer the person to another position, or to continue the probation period in the current position.


If it is decided to continue the probation period, a panel (usually consisting of the PMC, the relevant Section Head, the probationer’s supervisor and the EC) evaluates the performance of the probationer 3 months after the probationer started with the probation period. During the evaluation the Probation Monitoring Form and the observations of the panel members are used as a basis for the recommendation of the panel to confirm the employment of the probationer, to extend the probation period, to dismiss the probationer, or to transfer him/her to another position in the organization (either his/her former position in case of an internal probationer or to another position). After approval by the EC the recommendation becomes a decision of the organization. The decision is notified to the probationer during a probation evaluation meeting. During this meeting the probationer will be given a Probation Evaluation Report that contains the decision in writing plus the arguments for the decision. During this meeting the probationer is also given oral explanation and he/she is able to ask questions about the decision and will then be given answers.


In case the decision is to extend the probation period, this will be for a period of 3 months. After this period the same persons who were involved in the evaluation that was conducted after 3 months once again evaluate the performance of the probationer. The recommendation is then to confirm the employment of the probationer, to dismiss the probationer, or to transfer the probationer to another position in the organization. The recommendation will need to be approved by the EC to become a decision of the organization. The decision is explained to the probationer in a second Probation Evaluation Report. This report is given to the probationer during a second probation evaluation meeting.


Copies of the Probation Monitoring Forms and the Probation Evaluation Reports of the probationer are filed in the personal files of this person (who will be from now on, if the decision about his/her continuation in the position is positive, being called ‘employee’).


If a probationer is dissatisfied with the decision of the organization he/she can appeal to the EC in writing. The EC may in such case invite the probationer for a personal meeting. For this meeting the EC may invite other persons as well. After considering the appeal the EC will take a final and binding decision. If this decision differs from the decision expressed in the last Probation Evaluation Report, an appendix will be attached to this report explaining the final decision and the reasons for the changes made.


Ø  Notice of termination of contract or resignation

Written notice to terminate employment, by the organization to the employee or by employee to the organization must be done as follows:

  • During probation: 7 days in advance
  • Employees: 30 days in advance.



The organization may revoke these conditions on the basis of:

  1. Provisions within disciplinary procedures. Immediate dismissal can be given in case of insubordination, absenteeism, lack of performance, lack of co-operation and theft.
  2. The employee has been certified permanently unable to work by a medical practitioner.
  3. The employee has been imprisoned or convicted of an offense.


Tasks of the HR Coordinator

  • In case the contract of an employee or probationer is terminated or an employee or probationer resigns, make sure that all required procedures are carried out according to the rules.
  • In such case also stop the insurances the organization is paying for this person from the date the person has stopped working.


Ø  Re-employment

Former employees who have left the organization (whether being under casual/temporary or permanent employment) by resignation (of their own accord) or who have had their employment terminated for any reason connected with their performance or conduct will in principle not be re-employed. However, the EC may use his/her discretion to modify this policy where he/she considers if that it may be of mutual benefit to the individual and the organization. The general exception to this rule will be where an employee has left the organization as a result of redundancy, in which case the person would have to apply through the formal application procedures (during recruitment round).



Ø  Remuneration

Organization is concerned with the formulation and implementation of strategies and policies that aim to reward people fairly, equitably and consistently in accordance with their value to the organization. This system is evaluated once a year.


Ø  Payment

The amount of remuneration is paid according to the employment contract of the employee. Remuneration is paid last Saturday of every month in bank accounts. This needs an account number of every staff with the designated bank branch of the organization. PGS facilitate each of the new staff in getting bank accounts with the designated bank. The staff member who doesn’t have an account in the designated bank’s branch, an account payee cheque is provided to them.


Staff shall be paid mid month salary advance if one desires so and the remaining balance will be paid at the end of month. For this purpose the employee has to fill in a mid-month salary advance request, a maximum of 3 working days in advance. The mid-month salary advance shall not exceed 1 month’s salary/wages payable to the employee.


Applicable deductions will be made from the employee’s remuneration by the organization as per the IT Rules. Employees will be informed accordingly.


Incomplete months are paid by calculating the number of days actually worked.

Each employee on the payroll (on permanent contract) signs a pay slip (in duplicate) at the end of the month stating the above. One signed pay slip will remain with the employee and the other with the organization.


Ø  Salary increase (performance related)

After each year of employment a performance appraisal is done with the employee. When the conclusion is that performance has been acceptable this results in a promotion to a next step in the salary grading system of the organization. This process continues until he/she reaches the peak salary defined for his/her position by the grading system. Employees who have reached this peak will be considered for promotion or transfer to the next cadre.

Each step increase will be confirmed in writing after the PMC has obtained the approval of the EC for the increase. The PMC is responsible to inform the Finance Admin Officer about the new salary after having received the approval.

Management Level salary increments will be done by the EC and forwarded to the Finance Admin Officer.

Employees with unsatisfactory performance will attract no promotion or step increase and will be considered for being downgraded.


Ø  Change to another position

If an employee takes up another position in the organization his/her salary will be according to the grading level of the new position, starting as if the employee was newly employed (thus starting for the grading system at year 1, unless the position is at the same or a lower grading level).

Ø  Acting allowance

Acting allowance is an additional allowance on top of the salary of an employee who acts on behalf of a higher grading position. Acting allowance may apply:

  • If the employee for which one is acting is temporary absent (for instance for a training course or due to illness),
  • in anticipation of the employee being promoted into the position he/she is acting for, or
  • if the position is vacant and to be filled in the future by another person still to be recruited.

The granting of an acting allowance to an employee shall be decided on by the EC and PMC. The amount will be based on the grade the position the employee will act on behalf of. Acting allowance is not regarded as a merit increase. After acting is finalized and if the employee takes the full position, he/she will receive the payment suiting the post (entering the first step).


Ø        Medical care

Annual health check- ups of all the staff is sponsored by organization. Organization pays for the health expenses for field staff, particularly Community Organizers and their families. These expenses include travel to health center or clinic, examination cost and medicine expenses.


In case of accident during fieldwork, PGS pays all medical expenses of the staff and pays for the material loss to vehicle or any other possession.


Ø  Insurances

The organization will have a Group Health Insurance for all its employees.


Ø  Incentives and benefits:-

Staff Welfare Fund:-There is a Staff Welfare Fund for providing financial support to all staff depending upon their need and requirements at the time of emergency. This is maintained at organization level and a person authorized by the Executive Committee is responsible for its operation. Each staff member contributes a fix amount of Rs. 100/- to the fund maintained with our banker. A committee consisting three staff members, has been formed to maintain the fund and a person authorized by the Executive Committee is responsible for its operation.


Travel Allowance: -In PGS each of the staff is entitled for travel allowances calculated as per the distance traveled for traveling to field. In case of travel to other districts, staff is entitled for travel fare according to the applicability of the designation, local travel fare for official visit, including fooding and lodging expenses. In case of travel to other districts, staff member has to spend the expenses (travel, fooding and lodging) him/herself at first and then he is liable to submit details of all valid expenses along with receipts and bills of the expenses for reimbursement. Organization will not give any cash in advance to staff member for their visit. Employee has to submit the bills and details in proper format complying with the expense statement sheet provided by the company.


Honorarium to trainers/ consultants: - In case organization hires a  consultants/trainers for training and other purposes, travel expenses will provided along with the mutually agreed upon honorarium.


Communication allowances: -Apart from this, every new staff is given a permanent CUG membership to facilitate mobile communication based on his/her communication requirement in job responsibilities. Upper limit is fixed on the usage of the mobile numbers for external communication.


Laptop: -Laptop is an additional benefit, which an employee entertains in PGS based on his/her roles, and responsibilities in the organization such as field work/ presentations and documentations etc.


Other Expenses:Any expenses incurred in the field by the staff for stationery, refreshments, petty expenses etc are reimbursed to the staff on being approved by the secretary of the organization and should be submitted in written format on expense statement sheet.


Gifts and Rewards: -There is a policy of surprise gifts to each of the staff. This gift may be seasonal or festive as decided by the Project Management Committee and the Executive Committee. An annual outdoor trip and feast under organizational development policy may be organized.




Ø  Introduction

The organization has a system of staff development in place for employees at all levels. This consists of performance appraisals of the employees and the possibility for employees to follow internal and external trainings when they are invited to do so. Employees are also free to apply for training courses that they would like to follow after taking prior approval from the PMC.


Ø  Employee performance appraisal

Performance appraisal is a continuous process of reviewing or discussing one’s job and aims at improvement of performance in the current job.


Ø  Objectives of performance appraisal

  • To satisfy the individual's needs for feedback on performance and to assist him/her in improving the performance in the current job.
  • To strengthen supervisor - employee relationships.
  • To get feed back on the level of employee motivation.
  • To help the employee to perform better in order to strengthen the organization as a whole to perform better.


Ø  Performance appraisal process

After completion of the probation period and annually, each member of staff will undergo an appraisal exercise to review his/her performance and to agree on new targets, as well as identifying training and employee development needs. Each employee is evaluated based on targets set, and then other new targets are set for the next year. The employee should be appraised over the whole period since it was last appraised. It is the responsibility of employee and immediate supervisor to ensure that individually set targets are monitored on regular basis as specified in the completed performance appraisal report. Failure to comply with this will have an adverse implication on the part of the immediate supervisor and concerned employee.


The report (a filled in performance appraisal form; see Annex 1.8) is prepared in duplicate and should be endorsed by the employee, supervisor and the EC. One copy of the appraisal form is given to the employee in duplicate and the original copy of the form is filed in the employee’s personal file. If the employee does not agree with the outcome of the appraisal, he/she can appeal with the EC.


Ø  Training

The organization supports a policy of progressive development of employees. Training needs of employees at all levels will be assessed regularly and where required for the job, internal or external training will be organized at the organization's expense. Training wanted and initiated by the employee but not suiting the organization’s budget or priorities should be paid by the employee and be done outside working hours.

Training includes the following aspects:

  1. Awareness towards their roles and responsibilities in the organization.
  2. Understanding the nuances of working with volunteer organizations along with ethics and compliance requirements.
  3. Training in multiple areas such as decision making, overcoming conflicts, tactful persuasion, and strategic planning.
  4. Other managerial topics include recognizing problems and rectifying them and managing growth. EC members often share best practices from other successful nonprofits organizations.
  5. Fundraising training includes everything from goal setting to organizing events. Build relationships with donors, and assess the effectiveness of fundraising programs.
  6. Training required as per the need and time to time when it required.

There are two types of training in the organization:

  1. On the job training: - Coaching, Mentoring, Job rotation, Job instruction, Technology Apprenticeship.
  2. Off-the-job training: -Lectures and conferences, Simulation exercises, Case study, self study.

Ø  Benefits                                                                                   

Goal of the above mentioned training is that a well trained staff improves the operations of the organization and helps it to run more smoothly. When EC along with their staff understand their role and various techniques for managing they make better decisions. The business of the organization transpires efficiently because the staffs are confident in their abilities.

Ø  Transfers

Transfers need the approval of the EC. The organization appoints the employee to a specific project location and this may be subject to transfer at any time. An employee may be given the opportunity to transfer because of:

  • The organization may initiate the transfer. In this case the employee needs to be consulted on the possibilities for him/her to transfer.
    • Transfer may be effected as a result of personal interest/requestand this may take place after request by the employee to be transferred to another office. An employee wishing to transfer from one Branch office to another usually has to apply for an existing vacancy. If the post is advertised externally, he/she would have to equally compete with external applicants.


Ø  Use of notice board

All important communication regarding vacant positions, the change in positions of employees, training courses and other important issues regarding staff development should be announced on the notice board in the office for every employee’s information.










Ø  Introduction

Employees may opt to take their leave in one single block or sets of blocks. Leaves have to be agreed by the PMC.


·         Planning of leave

A leave calendar should be drawn at the beginning of the year by the EC, which is then forwarded to the PMC. Each Section Head is responsible for inquiring with his/her section about the leave plans of employees working in the Section.


·         Requests and authorization procedures

Amendment to the schedule will be at the discretion of the EC, upon consultation with PMC and Finance Admin Officer. For each scheduled leave period, the employee will submit a leave request form to the PMC after agreement by the immediate supervisor (who signs the form for approval). This will be done at least 7 days in advance (except for sick leave and compassionate leave). Depending on the circumstances, the Section Head may reschedule the leave (in consultation with the concerned employee). The PMC will verify the leave record (see Annex 1.9) and sign the leave form for approval. Final leave approval is done by the PMC and Finance Admin Officer, who sends the form back to the ED with copies to the EC who may sometimes reverse the leave schedule if certain circumstances may warrant this to happen. The PMC informs the employee about (non-) approval.


Employees taking leave are required to return according to the dates agreed in the leave forms. Otherwise the normal disciplinary penalties will apply: a formal written warning and loss of pay for the days the employee was not present at work. An employee serving on probation will not be allowed to take leave, only on the discretion of the EC.


Ø  Paid leave

Employees who have successfully completed their probation are eligible for paid leave under the following conditions:

1     Employee is not on temporary terms of service or on induction/probation.

2     Paid leave will accrue from the date of full-time engagement. The employee can never take more than the monthly leave entitlement (4 days in one month).

3     Employee must apply for leave at least 7 days in advance.


Leave not taken within the contractual year shall automatically expire and cannot be transferred to the next contractual year nor can paid leave days be cashed in.


Ø  Compassionate leave

In the event of death of mother/father, first-degree sister/brother, father/mother in- law, spouse and children, compassionate leave of a maximum of two days will be granted. This section applies to employees on permanent terms of employment but under discretion of the EC will employee on probation or temporary terms be granted this leave.



If the employee wishes a leave longer than two days, he/she shall propose the use of his/her annual leave entitlement or opt for reduction in payment (if there are no paid leave days (left)). This needs to be agreed in advance following the procedures mentioned in the former paragraph.


Ø  Maternity and Paternity Leave

A female employee shall be entitled a maximum of once every 3 years to 8 weeks maternity leave on full pay. During probation and under temporary terms of service, there are no provisions for maternity and paternity leave.


A maternity leave of 4 weeks is to be considered as paid maternity leave while the next 4 weeks without pay. In total an employee can be away from work for not more than 8 weeks.In the event of illness, certified by a registered practitioner, arising out of pregnancy or confinement, affecting the employee or her child, the organization shall grant the employee additional leave as required according to the situation.


A maximum of 7 days, if applied for, will be given to the male employee as paternity leave. This leave will be taken within a period of four days after the spouse has delivered.


Employee is encouraged to announce her pregnancy to her immediate supervisor as early as possible, and on such grounds, she will be allowed time off for her antenatal visits. Similarly same way, the nursing mother will be allowed time off during working hours for breast-feeding. The duration of absence should be determined on case-by-case basis, but should not exceed a period of two hours per day for a maximum of six months after giving birth.


In circumstances whereby an expectant employee may be working under dangerous conditions, which could result, into serious health hazards, management may re-design her duties. This will have to be certified by the organization appointed medical doctor and approved by the EC.


Ø  Sick leave

Sick leave will be authorized when the employee is unable to work because of sickness or injury, or when the employee needs medical examination or treatment, which can be obtained only during the time when employee would normally be on duty. Sick leave is not used for care of family members or treatment for a family member. Absences of such nature are subjected to the normally applying disciplinary procedures. Application for sick leave should be evidenced by a doctor’s certificate delivered on the second day of sickness latest, with a written request from the employee, also delivered on the second day latest. Always a sick leave should be filled in. The PMC will make approval of sick leave then forward it to the EC. The sick leave will start from the first day of absence. The management has the right to visit the employee or send a doctor to visit the employee for the purpose of cross checking.


Employees are entitled to a maximum of 7 days sick leave days in year. This paid sickness benefit may be extended at management’s discretion by another 60 days if employee is hospitalized. After 67 days the case will be reviewed and the management will take a decision about termination of employment. Cases of misused sick leave will be subject to disciplinary action. This entitlement applies only if employee is on permanent employment contract and not on probation or on temporary terms of service.

Sick leave if not utilized will be carried forward to next and can be accumulated every year but will not extend beyond 30 days period. In such a case the employee may get a benefit of 90-day period in case of hospitalization.


Ø  Public holidays

The organization respects the public holidays as defined by the national authorities of the country. In the event of obligating employees to work on such holidays and other declared holidays, the organization will compensate these days in time or money. The EC will approve on the recommendation of PMC, the expected amendments to the leave schedules of the involved employees in such cases. Public holidays falling within an employee’s leave are not counted as leave days and as such are not deducted from the employee’s leave record. A public holiday can only be taken after confirmation by the EC that indeed the national authorities have officially denounced this day or these days as public holiday.


Ø  Leave without pay

Leave without pay will only be granted in exceptional cases to permanent employees who have been employed with the organization for a minimum of 18 months. The leave should fit into the planning of the organization and it should be able to (partially) replace the employee. The leave should be requested for one month in advance. Leave without pay is on the sole discretion of EC on the recommendations of the PMC. 3-6


Ø  Study leave

Study Leave may be granted by the EC as the case may be.


Ø  Restricted Leaves

Two restricted leaves annually can be granted to the employee on account of local holidays.





















Ø  Introduction

The organization has developed a Code of Conduct for the employees (see Annex 4). Every employee upon acceptance of a position with the organization signs the Code of Conduct at the same day the employment contract is signed. The Code of Conduct comprises the rules to which all employees should comply.


Disciplinary procedures apply to all employees at all levels (on permanent and temporary employment) who do not function within the rules of the Code of Conduct. This is to ensure that the organization's policies, standard of performance and behavior are maintained at an appropriate high level. The organization’s policy is to ensure that always a positive approach is used to motivate the employee. Disciplinary procedures only come in if the encountered situation is of willful nature and (potentially) damaging to the organization and/or colleagues.


It is at the discretion of the PMC (for offences by employees below management level) to judge weather an offence is minor or major. Depending on this judgment several procedures can be followed as explained further on. Ad hoc disciplinary committees will be instituted to deal with severe disciplinary cases. The EC in consultation with disciplinary committee judges and takes actions for offences by employees at management level.


Disciplinary tools organization uses are:

  • Step 1 - Verbal warning

(Not recorded in personal file of the employee).

  • Step 2 - Warning letters (level 1-3)

Each warning letter is recorded in the personal file of the employee. Each warning letter has a particular level, depending on the offense. The EC can decide to start the procedures for dismissal or suspension of the employee whenever it thinks this is necessary.

  • Step 3 - Suspension

Suspension means that an employee is sent off the job for a limited time of 2 weeks maximum without payment of salary. The decision to suspend someone is taken by the EC.

  • Step 4 - Dismissal

Ø  Procedures to be followed

The Section Heads and supervisors are primarily responsible for identifying offenses. They communicate each offense to the PMC. In reaction to an offense the PMC provides a verbal warning to the involved employee in case of small offenses. In case of larger offenses it is advised that the EC and/or the PMC coordinate the disciplinary action. The agreed disciplinary action can then be imposed on the involved employee.


The following authorization levels can be distinguished with regards to disciplinary action:


Verbal warning

Section Head or PMC

Warning letters

PMC (in consultation with ED)


EC (in consultation with PMC and ED)


EC (in consultation with PMC and ED)


The table below shows a guideline for how to handle offenses:


Type of offence



Willful failure to obey legitimate instruction

Warning letter (level 2)

Warning letter (level 3)

Willful loss, misuse, damage, theft, unauthorized use of organization’s property

Warning letter (2)

Warning letter (3), suspension or dismissal

Improper publicity of organization’s image

Warning letter (3)

Warning letter (3)


Verbal warning / Warning letter (1)

Warning letter (2,3), dismissal

Lateness or leaving work without permission

Verbal warning / Warning letter (1)

Warning letter (2)

Failure to co-operate with other employees

Verbal warning / Warning letter (1)

Warning letter (2,3)

Gossip among and about colleagues within/outside the organization

Verbal warning

Warning letter (1,2)

Reporting on duty under the influence of alcohol/narcotics



Breach of safety rules

Warning letter (1,2)

Warning letter (3), suspension, dismissal

Careless or neglect of work

Warning letter (1)

Warning letter (2)

Fighting at workplace



Threatening behavior towards another worker

Warning letter (1,2)

Warning letter (3), suspension, dismissal

Having private business with suppliers of the organization on organization’s deals

Warning letter (3)

Suspension, dismissal

Claiming expenses from the organization which are higher than the actual expenditure or which do not exist

Warning letter (2,3)

Suspension, dismissal

Any other offence not stated above

Verbal warning, Warning letter (1,2,3)

Suspension, dismissal


If a formal warning is written to the employee it should explain the level of the warning letter, and the nature and seriousness of the offense. A copy of this warning will be given to the PMC and placed on the employee’s personal file. Following the delivery of the formal disciplinary action the Section Head and PMC  (if it is not him/her committing the offence) will always hold a formal interview with the employee during which contents of the letter will be discussed. Minutes will be taken and filed as well.


            The disciplined employee must countersign all disciplinary letters or minutes of the proceedings of the disciplinary interviews. Failure to the employee member to endorse the document to the EC and noted on the employee’s personal file.



            If the offenses add up to 4 or more, the EC can request whenever he feels this is necessary, the HR and Finance Admin Officers to execute the required action in accordance.


Below is an example of the procedures followed by the organization


Type of disciplinary action

Procedures to be followed (as agreed with the Labor Office and in accordance with the Labor Laws)

Financial procedures//describe how many months of salary the employee is entitled to receive upon dismissal etc.///


Warning letters received with a total sum of the levels less than 4

Filing of the warning letters in the employees personal file (signed by both the EC and the involved employee).



Suspension for two weeks upon reaching a total of warning letter levels of 4 or more




Direct suspension for two weeks upon a major offense




Dismissal upon reaching a total of warning letter levels of 4 or more




Direct dismissal upon a major offense






Ø  Appeals

At any stage in the above proceeding, the employee may appeal through the PMC for suspension or change of the disciplinary action. The PMC may ask advise from others within the organization and produces an advise in writing which is handed to the EC which will make a final decision about the disciplinary action. No further appeals will be permitted.


Ø  Grievance handling procedures

An employee may have a legitimate grievance against a colleague, a manager or the organization. This for instance could be conditions of work, unreasonable instructions, poor co-ordination, poor or inappropriate communication or other matters. The employee is encouraged to feel free to seek settlement of problems, complaints and grievances without fear of interference or dismissal. In such case the employee is, however, obliged to follow the procedure mentioned below. Always shall the person against whom the grievance is held be heard too


·         Grievances against employees

The employee will approach the PMC. In case the grievance is against the PMC the employee approaches the ED. The PMC (or the ED) investigates the matter and if possible solves the issue to the employee’s satisfaction. Grievance complaints are always taken very seriously and should be given full attention immediately. In case the grievance is against the ED the employee approaches the EC. A good way to try and resolve the grievance is to invite the person against whom the grievance is held and the employee who expressed the grievance to come to terms with each other in a personal conversation in which the PMC / ED (or the EC) acts as a facilitator. Important is to lay down agreements made in such a conversation in writing and have both persons sign it for approval. The agreement is made up in three-fold: one copy for each of the two involved employees and one copy for the filing system.


In case in this way no solution is achieved the PMC / ED (and/or the EC) will make a decision on what should be done.


In case of grievances against other persons who are involved in the organization the same procedures will be followed as for grievances against employees in the management team.


If the involved persons in a personal conversation do not come to an agreement on how to deal with the grievance the EC members are requested to take a decision, which they will do after careful investigation and communication with each other.




Ø  Introduction

Temporary appointments means: employees on temporary contracts, casuals, trainees on graduate work experience program, and consultants. Any extensions of temporary appointments will be effectuated on approval of the EC after a performance appraisal exercise. Temporary appointments can only be renewed twice and should not exceed a total period of one year.


An employee on temporary terms of employment shall NOT observe the following conditions of employment:


  • Probation                  
  • Salaries and wages                        
  • Notice of termination/resignation
  • Leave


Ø  Piecework employment

The organization may occasionally recruit employees on piecework or task work basis. Depending on circumstances, this form of arrangement can be renewed daily or as to when the situation warrants. The piecework employee is strictly entitled to his/her remuneration, which may be calculated on daily rate or at the completion of that specified task. Taxes should be paid with regard to piecework employment in accordance with the IT laws.


Ø  Trainee programs

The organization may have or develop experience programs for trainees. The engagement is substantially for a period of one year but reviewed on a six-month basis. Pay and benefits accruing to the appointee should not exceed an identified post to which he/she could be posted. During, or at the completion of this program, the individual is free to apply for any job within the organization. Terms and Conditions for this engagement are specifically articulated in the contract.


Ø  Consultancy services

The organization may feel the need to hire some consultancy services in various areas of the organization’s activities. This is usually a short-term arrangement and at piecework rate. The need for consultancy services should be reflected in both the plans and budgets of the organization.


Ø  Part-time employment

Part-time employment will normally be defined as an employment where the employee is not working the normal amount of full-time hours per week. For part-time employees the same counts as for temporary appointments with regard to terms and conditions of service, if they are not on a permanent contract.




Ø  Leisure

The senior management shall arrange a staff lunch / dinner together with other employees once a calendar year (usually Foundation Day). Venue and date will be decided upon by vote or discussion.


Ø  Allowances / per diem

The Organization shall meet the expenses while staff is sent on official duty outside the place where the organization is working. These allowances are only paid against actual costs made.

If an employee is sent on a training course the organization will determine the allowances needed. If for instance lunch is provided during the training course, the employee will not be given the lunch part of the allowance; when a training course takes place within the town where the employee lives and the employee can eat and sleep at home no allowance will be given at all. If third parties pay allowances (e.g. organizers of the training course) the employee is allowed to accept these but the organization will in such case not give an allowance to the employee.


Ø  Break time tea and coffee

Tea or coffee is served to staff during half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon. Tea and coffee items are provided by the organization. Snacks, meals and extra drinks have to be paid for by the employees themselves.


Ø  Work facilitation

Depending on the position and tasks of the employee the organization will do as much as possible to facilitate the employee in his/her work. This means that the employee can use the organization’s computers, transport (if stated in the job description), stationary, calculators, field equipment and crash helmets all while on duty. Usually these items are not taken home, but left in office.


Protective wear provided for all employees in the field section are crash helmets, which remain the property of the organization. Stationary can be used in normal quantities as required by the work. Employees can request for equipment or items needed to be able to perform duties. These can be granted at the discretion of the management.




Ø  Identity cards

All employees are provided with identity cards except piece workers. Those on temporary appointment get temporary documents, while those on permanent appointment will acquire sealed identity cards. These remain the property of the organization and must be returned on termination of appointment before terminal benefits are paid.


Ø  Personal files

For each employee (temporary or permanent) a personal file is prepared. The ED is responsible for maintenance of the personal files. He/she will ensure that the employee files are kept up to date with maximum safety and confidentiality.


The following persons can access the personal files:

  • EC
  • ED (without permission of the EC)
  • Employee (in the presence of ED) (with permission of EC)


The employee will access his/her personal file if seeking for some specific document. This is done in the presence of the ED after permission of the EC. If necessary parts of the file can be kept secret for the employee.


Ø  Politics and religion

The organization is a local not for profit development organization, which exists to facilitate the empowerment of the socially and economically disadvantaged (regardless of caste, color, creed, tribe, religion or political color), in order that they may access opportunities for sustained improvement in their lives. Therefore, the organization has no political/religious affiliation. The properties and facilities of the organization shall not be used for any political or religious purpose. Employees should express their personal political/religious beliefs without in any way involving the organization directly or indirectly. If the organization feels that religious or political involvement is conflicting the interests of the organization, the employee can be disciplined.


Ø  Loss or damage of organization property

Employee on permanent or temporary terms and conditions of service will be personally responsible for the organization's property, which is within his/her control either at work or home. Loss of such property, which cannot be adequately accounted for or explained, shall be treated as gross negligence of responsibility and if such case occurs it could lead to summary dismissal. If the employee looses organization’s tools or equipment, which are in the employee’s possession, he/she will have to pay the costs for replacement.


Ø  Working hours or days

The employee will be expected to work a 48-hour week (8 hours/day). In case of field duty working hours will be determined as per the situation.

There is no overtime allowance for additional hours worked. No field allowances are given for normal duty assigned or any travel expenses are reimbursed/paid other than approved of.

Ø  Expense claim policy and procedure

Expenses incurred by employees in the course of duties on the behalf of the organization will be reimbursed only if the PMC has given prior approval. Expenses are not part of salary but direct reimbursement of expenditure.


Claims for reimbursement must be made on the appropriate form, signed by individual and authorized by Section Head prior to submission to the PMC. As a general rule all claims must be supported by receipts, if possible VAT receipts. However, it is recognized that certain items of expenditure e.g. some public transport fares cannot be supported by documentary evidence. In such cases the claim form must include details of the reason of expenditure.


Receipts or invoices that are not agreed on by the organization cannot be sent directly to the organization for payments and cannot be claimed afterwards.


Annex 1:    Forms

HR – 01:        Application Form

HR – 01:        Interview Assessment Form

HR – 03:        Probation Monitoring Form           

HR – 04:        Probation Evaluation Report

HR – 05:        Mid-month Salary Advance Request Form

HR – 06:        Leave Form

HR – 07:        Performance Appraisal Report




































Annex 2:    Code of Conduct

This issummary of the main rules

  1. Work honestly and carefully at all times.
  2. You must not be absent from work, arrive late or leave work early without permission.
  3. Always wear protective ware while riding motor cycle or use your safety belts whenever driving.
  4. Follow all organisation health and safety rules.
  5. Do not drink alcohol or consume narcotics during working hours.
  6. Do not fight, assault or abuse a staff member or visitor.
  7. Do not use organisation property in a careless or neglect way.
  8. During working hours you must not do any business except that for which the organisation pays you

You will be disciplined for any of the following offences.

  1. Willful failure to obey legitimate instructions.
  2. Willful misuse of Organisation property.
  3. Improper publicity of information damaging to the organisation reputation.
  4. Desertion (absence from work without permission for 4 consecutive days or more).
  5. Sleeping on duty.
  6. Lateness or leaving work early without permission.
  7. Failing to co-operate with other employees on ground of race, tribe, religion or sex of another person.
  8. Acting in a prejudicial way against employee on grounds of race, tribe religion or sex of another person.
  9. Reporting on duty under influence of alcohol.
  10. For each vehicle/motor cycle written permission needs to be given before you can ride or drive.

Any of the offences described above constitutes serious misconduct and immediate dismissal may occur.

  1. Breach of safety rules endangering life, stated below.
  2. Careless or negligent of work.
  3. Fighting at work.
  4. Threatening behaviour to another worker.
  5. Having any private business deals with suppliers of the organisation on organisation’s deals.

Health and Safety rules

These rules below establish responsibility for both the organisation and employees to provide safe conditions at work place. You will be expected to take reasonable care to ensure your own safety and of others who can be affected by what he/she does or does not do.

  • You must wear a helmet when riding organisation motor cycle at all times or use your safety belt whenever driving organisation vehicle.
  • You must have under gone proper motor cycle/vehicle training course, this means that a one must be in possession of a valid driving/riding (provisional) permit. All employees who use organisationmotorcycle or vehicle must submit a copy of their driving/riding license to organisation Administrator for filing.
  • One can only ride a motorcycle with written permission from the management for that particular vehicle.
  • Motorcycle maximum speed is 60 kmph on all roads.
  • No carrying of passenger on the motor cycle without helmet
  • No carrying of community members in the project areas
  • No carrying of passengers in the boot of the vehicle(s) (for pick-ups). 

Repetition of the same offence after committing another within a period of 12 months of the first offence could lead to summary dismissal.      

I have read, understood and accept the above rules of conduct and agree these rules being a condition of employment by pgs.


Employee Name:

Employee No:

Employee Signature:

Place and Date:







Annex 3:    Standard Job Descriptions



Sl No.


Job Description



  • Routine management of work in the organization
  • Head of HR Department, Admin Department, Finance Department, Schools & VEC’s, Training Centre and all other outreach programs.
  • Responsible for reporting to EC and grievance redressal.
  • Responsible for submission of new projects.
  • Responsible for recruitment.
  • Responsible for upgradation of policies.
  • Dissemination of media reports.



  • Responsible for the routine management of the project.
  • Communication with the funding organization.
  • Preparing annual work plan and monthly plans for the projects.
  • Preparing and sending QPR’s to the funding organization.
  • Management of the project team and fieldwork.
  • Management of the functioning of the field centres created and maintains records of assets purchased under the projects.
  • Responsible for upgradation of policies alongwith ED
  • Monitoring updation of website.
  • Organizing seminars and workshops as per the plan.
  • Preparation of Application Forms.
  • Reporting to ED.



  • Coordination with public offices, civil society organizations (CSO’s) and other departments relating to the assigned responsibilities.
  • Responsible for the fieldwork relating to the assigned responsibility.
  • Preparing reports for QPR’s and MPR’s as per the work plan.
  • Management of fieldwork.
  • Monitoring of the functioning of the field centres created and upkeep of assets purchased under the project.
  • Organizing seminars and workshops as per the plan.
  • Reporting to the Principle coordinator and ED.



  • Bookkeeping
  • Bank reconciliation.
  • Preparing annual budget and quarterly expense reports.
  • Responsible for purchases and payments.
  • Liaising with CA and Maintaining audits.



  • Coordination with public offices, civil society organizations (CSO’s) and other departments relating to the assigned block.
  • Responsible for the fieldwork relating to the assigned block.
  • Preparing reports for QPR’s and MPR’s as per the work plan at block level.
  • Management of fieldwork at block level.
  • Monitoring of the functioning of the field centres created and upkeep of assets purchased under the project in the block assigned.
  • Reporting to the principle coordinator and district coordinator.
  • Collection of data at block level.
  • Organizing block level committee meetings and documenting the proceedings.
  • Liaising with GOs and GPs.
  • Writing case studies and success stories.



  • Assisting the Block Coordinator and/or District Coordinator.
  • Organizing activities with CBO’s.
  • Monitoring the functioning of field staff.



  • To organize the training of Micro enterprise development & promote the group members.
  • Helping the SHG members to start Micro enterprises so that they become independent.
  • Developmentof the Business Development Plan for micro enterprise.
  • Report to Principal Coordinator and District Coordinator.
  • Coordinate with Block Coordinator.



  • Compiling the monthly/ quarterly data of the field.
  • Develop the format of data collection.
  • Responsible for data collection,data cleaning, data analysis, case studies, narratives, backup of all data.
  • Preparing QPR’s and MPR’s as per the requirement of funding organization.
  • Website updation.
  • Maintaining the records of SHG’s and clusters.
  • Data Base Management on micro-enterprises, CBO’s, schools, VEC’s, youth clubs, farmers club and other partner organization.
  • Collecting secondary data from different district Offices.
  • Preparation of press notes.
  • IT maintenance.
  • Coordinate with ED, Principal Coordinator and District Coordinator.



  • To organize monthly SHG meeting
  • Assisting the SHGs in their regular saving to different financial institutions like PSK, Banks.
  • Assisting the bonded labors in tracking their progress towards sustainable freedom.
  • Assisting VEC volunteer in conducting their activity with BL children.
  • Report to District Coordinator and Block Coordinator.



  • To visit Village Education Center regularly each month.
  • To provide training to VEC volunteer for better results from the center.
  • To track the progress of children involved at VEC’s.
  • Preparing the training module for education volunteers.
  • Report to ED and Principal Coordinator.



  • Organizing Mining committee meetings.
  • Ensuring implementation of Participatory Model of Responsible Mining.
  • Report to Block Coordinator.



  • Organising awareness and training programs at community level.
  • Organizing regular meetings of CBO’s.
  • Liaising with village panchayat and village level functionaries.







Annex 4:    Standard Job Qualifications and Experience Required




Qualification and experience




Post Graduate from recognized Institute in Social Science Discipline with at least 10 years experience in the field of rural development




Post Graduate from recognized Institute with minimum experience of 8 years or Post Graduate in Professional Discipline with 2 years experience in rural development.




Post Graduate from recognized Institute with minimum experience of 8 years or Post Graduate in Professional Discipline with 2 years experience in rural development.




Post Graduate from recognized Institute in Commerce or ICWA with minimum experience of 5 years in managing accounts.




Post Graduate from recognized Institute with exp. Min. of 5 Years in working on labor issues particularly unorganized, migrant and agri- laborers. Must be familiar with Tehsil and Block level GOs with advocacy skills. Competencies in writing case- studies and success stories.




Graduate from recognised Institute, with min.exp. of 2 Years Years in working on labor issues particularly unorganized, migrant and agri- laborers. Must be familiar with Tehsil and Block level GOs with advocacy skills. Competencies in writing case- studies and success stories.




Post Graduate with exp. In working with micro entrepreneurship




Post Graduate or having professional degree from recognised Institute with course on communication and documentation skill/ Data Base Management




10+2 with specialization in fieldwork with marginalized communities, knowledge about SHG, village panchayats and community-oriented programs.




Graduate with 3 years exp. In teaching/ training.




Exp. In Stone breaking, SHGs.




5 years of experience of field work with marginalized communities, knowledge about SHG, village panchayats and community-oriented programs.















[1]  The new employee is called ‘probationer’ until the decision has been taken to fully employ the person, which usually is at the end of the probation period or at the end of the extended probation period. A probationer can be someone coming new into the organization but in it can also be someone who changed from a position in the organization to a new position and who is therefore subject again to a probation period for the new function. In this last case a general introduction to the organization is not required as the probationer is already familiar with the organization.